Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released vacancies for 32438 posts. The application process has started from today and the last date is 22 February 2025. These vacancies have been released through a total of 21 Railway Recruitment Boards. If you want to apply, here is some general information related to application and fees.
Information related to creating an account for application:
- Once you create an account, you cannot make any changes in it, so fill all the information correctly.
- To apply, you must have a valid and active registered email ID and mobile number.
- If you have previously created an account for CEN 01/2024, you do not need to create a new account for CEN 08/2024. You can apply with the same username and password.
- Candidates must upload latest signature.
- ‘Create an Account’ details cannot be edited once the account is created.
Account creation process:
- First of all go to the home page and select the ‘Apply’ tab.
- In the drop down you will get the option of ‘Create Account’, where you will have to sign in.
- After this you will have to fill personal details, educational qualification, document upload, preference preview and submit the application.
- Once you have filled the personal details, go to ‘Save’ option and then preview the preferences and submit.
- Finally, fill the fee payment option and take a printout of it along with the registration number.
For issues related to application or fees contact:
If any candidate is facing any problem in submitting the application or fees, they have to complain on the following contact details:
- Complaint for application CEN 08/2024:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 0172-565-3333, 9592001188
- Problem related to fee deposit:
- SBIePay Helpline:
- Phone: 022-20876123 (24*7 service)
- Email: [email protected]
- Contact Number: 022-20876121
- Email: [email protected]
- SBIePay Helpline:
The last date for application is 22 February 2025, so apply soon!