Mumbai: Three prominent celebrities in Mumbai, including comedian Kapil Sharma, actor Rajpal Yadav, and choreographer Remo D’Souza, have reportedly received death threat emails. According to police sources, these threatening messages also target their families and close associates. Rajpal Yadav has formally filed a complaint with the Mumbai Police, while Sugandha Mishra and Remo D’Souza have also lodged complaints regarding the same issue. The Amboli Police have registered an FIR under Section 351(3) of the BNS against an unknown person based on the complaint filed by Rajpal Yadav’s wife.
The police have launched an investigation, and preliminary findings suggest that the threatening emails originated from Pakistan. The sender identified themselves as “Vishnu” in the email signature via the email address [email protected]. The content of the emails claims that the sender has been monitoring the recent actions of the celebrities.
The email states: “We are watching your recent actions closely. We believe it is necessary to bring a sensitive matter to your attention. This is not a public stunt or an attempt to harass you. We request that you take this message seriously and maintain confidentiality.” Further warnings in the email threaten severe consequences if the sender’s demands are not met. It demands a response within eight hours, cautioning that failure to comply will result in “dangerous consequences” affecting both professional and personal lives.