The Central Police in Ulhasnagar arrested a 40-year-old man and detained his a 12-year-old minor son for allegedly raping a five-year-old girl in Ulhasnagar on Monday. The two accused are neighbors of the victim. According to the police, the victim’s mother stated in the FIR that her daughter was alone at home when the two came to her home and allegedly sexually assaulted her.
The victim’s mother works as a maid, while the father is a laborer in the city. The incident came to light when the victim’s mother reached home, following which the victim narrated the entire episode to her mother. Subsequently, she informed her husband and family members about it. They all rushed to the police station and filed an FIR against them under relevant sections of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act. The two were produced in court and remanded in police custody for further investigation.
Shankar Awatade, Senior Police Inspector from the Central Police Station, said, ‘We received a complaint from the victim’s mother and subsequently registered a case against them. We are carrying out further investigation into the matter.’