Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with party officials and workers engaged in Delhi elections through virtual medium. This conversation of PM Modi took place under the program ‘Mera Booth Sabse Strong’. During this, he said, ‘Mera Booth-Sabse Strong’ is not just a program, it is the vibrancy of BJP, the strength of the roots of BJP and the roots from which BJP has developed, which all you workers have adopted. Life mantra. My booth-the strongest’.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi further said that the strength of BJP workers at the booth level in Delhi is not hidden from anyone. This time AAP won thousands of booths in Delhi, only BJP could win all seven seats. PM Modi said, “I have full confidence that the strength of this organization in Delhi, where there are workers of three-three, four-four generations at every booth, this strength will give a massive victory to the BJP in the assembly elections this time.” There is also confidence that because of the hard work you have done at the booth, you will win big.”
PM Modi further said that the people of Delhi have come forward with determination to ensure the victory of BJP. Friends, you have to take the people of Delhi to as many polling booths as possible on 5th February. No matter how cold it is, the intensity of voting will have to be increased from the morning itself.
‘Betrayal of the people of Delhi…’
Targeting the Aam Aadmi Party, Narendra Modi said, “We have to free Delhi from the troubles and crises that AAP-DA has given us. Only when this happens can we make Delhi the developed capital of developed India.” The resolution will be fulfilled.”
PM Modi said, “People are fed up with Congress and AAP-D, they have betrayed the people of Delhi. Troubled people are making new advertisements every day. Troubled people are losing so they are making advertisements every day. “Aam Aadmi” party did not look at the poor for 10 years and now again they are focusing on building Sheeshmahal, their eyes were not on the poor, they are saying that we will come again, people say that they will eat it again. “