Mangesh and Tejas Jagtap, originally from Pune and currently residing in Australia, led the Australian team in the recently held Kho-Kho World Cup 2025 at the Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium. The Australian team displayed an impressive performance, defeating Malaysia and Germany with ease and establishing themselves as a rising force in the sport.
In the tournament, the Australian team played a total of four matches. While they faced defeats against England and Kenya, they secured victories against Malaysia and Germany. The Jagtap brothers played a crucial role in these wins, showcasing their agility and skills. Mangesh Jagtap’s outstanding performance earned him the Man of the Match award in all four matches, solidifying his place as a key player in the team. Recognizing their talent and dedication, the Australia Kho-Kho Association selected the Jagtap brothers to represent the country.
Australia’s participation in the first-ever Kho-Kho World Cup garnered significant attention, with a strong connection to Pune. The inclusion of the Jagtap brothers added to the excitement surrounding the Australian team. The tournament, which recently concluded in New Delhi, brought the Australian squad into the limelight for multiple reasons. One notable aspect is that the team was led and managed by Ojas Kulkarni from Ichalkaranji, Maharashtra.
The contribution of the Jagtap brothers has been instrumental in the team’s success and has caught everyone’s attention. Another fascinating aspect of the Australian team is the strong involvement of the Jagtap family. Tejas, a 24-year-old, and his younger brother Mangesh, 18, have been making significant strides in Kho-Kho in Australia. Their father, Sandeep Jagtap, is one of the sponsors of the Australian team and the owner of Finnsverse, a leading company. After completing his degree, Tejas now serves as a director in the company.
The Pune-based Jagtap brothers have undoubtedly made their mark in the inaugural Kho-Kho World Cup, bringing pride to their hometown and contributing to Australia’s commendable performance in the tournament.