Income Tax raid at the house of Pushpa 2 director Sukumar: On Wednesday, January 22, the Income Tax Department raided the house and office of film director Sukumar in Hyderabad. According to the information, this raid started from this morning. The investigation continued for hours. According to one information, when this action was taken, Director Sukumar was at Hyderabad Airport. Then the Income Tax officials caught him at the airport and brought him home. Many important documents and evidence are being collected during the Income Tax Department raid at the house of ‘Pushpa 2’ director Sukumar.
No official statement has been issued yet
However, the authorities have not yet revealed what was the motive behind the raid and what information was revealed. No official of the Income Tax Department has issued any statement yet. Also, no official statement has been given by the film producer. The raid comes at a time when Sukumar is enjoying the success of his recently released film ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’. The film stars Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna in the lead roles and has grossed over Rs 1500 crore. Yesterday, on Tuesday i.e. 21st January, the Income Tax Department had also raided the properties of Director Dil Raju.
possibility of tax evasion
Income Tax Department officials reportedly suspect tax evasion. So at present they are examining the documents. It is being said that this action is part of the investigation into the unaccounted increase in income. Authorities are examining financial records and transactions to detect possible tax evasion.