Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar-led JDU on Wednesday withdrew support to the BJP government in Manipur. In Manipur, Chief Minister N. There is a BJP government under the leadership of Biren Singh. According to the information, JDU has formally announced to withdraw its support from Manipur.
It is noteworthy that in Manipur, JDU was in alliance with BJP since 2022, but now it has broken ties with the ruling party BJP. In 2022, five out of six JDU MLAs supported BJP, which strengthened BJP’s position. However, now JDU has submitted a formal letter to the Governor withdrawing its support from the BJP government.
There will be no impact on the stability of the government
Even after JDU’s withdrawal of support, there will be no impact on the stability of the BJP government led by Chief Minister Biren Singh. BJP’s majority in the state assembly is so strong that it can remain in power without interference from any political party. It is noteworthy that out of total 60 seats in Manipur Assembly, BJP has 37 seats.
New turn in Manipur politics
There is a possibility of a big change in the politics of Manipur after JDU withdraws its support. However, its impact on the actions and decisions of the BJP government will not be seen immediately.