Karnataka High Court: Karnataka High Court, while hearing a case, said that in marital dispute, a man also becomes a victim of cruelty and exploitation. The bench said that it is true that women are mainly affected in marital disputes but men are also subjected to cruelty. Therefore now there is a need to change thinking. Now the time has come when we talk about gender neutral society. In an order passed on January 7, Justice C. Sumalatha rejected the woman’s case transfer petition. The woman said that the court is 130 km away from my house and I face difficulty in coming for the hearing of the case every time. On this the court said that it is true that the woman is suffering but if the case is transferred then the husband will suffer even more. This is because the distance to the court will increase. She is also taking care of two small children. It will be difficult to leave them alone and travel far. During this, the court said that men are also victims of cruelty in marital disputes. Along with this, the court gave the message that now the time has come when the society will have to think about becoming gender neutral.


The bench said, ‘Constitutionally a woman has equal rights as a man but the truth is that women are more victims of exploitation and cruelty in matrimonial disputes, while the fact is that men are also victims of cruelty on the part of women. Are. Therefore, there is a need for a gender neutral society today. There is also a need for such a society so that this matter can be looked at separately from gender discrimination.

However, the woman approached the High Court and demanded that the divorce case against her husband, which is currently pending in the Chikkamagaluru court, be transferred to Shivamogga district. To that the bench said, ‘Your husband is taking care of the 9 and 7 year old children. In such a situation, they will face more problems due to transfer of the case. He handles other responsibilities including sending children to school. The court said that we cannot transfer the case just because it is a woman’s demand. It is true that men are often victims of cruelty like women.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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