Delhi Police has issued an advisory regarding the Republic Day Parade to be held on the occasion of Republic Day. Under this advisory, if you also want to go to see the parade, then there are many things which you cannot take with you. Which includes umbrella, water bottle, bag.
Organization of 75th Republic Day Parade
Like every year, this time too Republic Day will be celebrated in India on 26 January. The 75th Republic Day Parade has been organized. Lakhs of people gather to watch the Republic Day Parade and see the strength of the country. The theme of Republic Day 2025 is Golden India: Heritage and Development.
The Republic Day parade will start at 10:30 am.
Every year on the occasion of Republic Day, a grand Republic Day Parade is organized on the duty path. The Republic Day Parade will begin with a display of Indian culture where more than 300 cultural artistes will perform a variety of music. Which will bring together different tunes from across the country. Which will bring together different tunes from across the country. If you are also planning to go to the Republic Day Parade, then see what things you cannot take to the parade.
What things can’t be taken
There is a ban on carrying certain items in the Republic Day Parade. Delhi Police has issued an advisory telling what things you cannot bring in the parade.
- food items
- bag, briefcase
- Radio, transistor, tape recorder, pager
- camera, binoculars, handycam
- Thermos, Water Bottle, Canister, Umbrella, Toy Pistol/Toy
- inflammable objects, matchsticks
- Digital Diary, Palm-top Computer, iPad, iPod, Tablet, Pen Drive
- cigarette, beedi, lighter
- Alcohol, Perfume, Spray, Firearms (Replica Firearms)
- edged weapon, sword, screwdriver
- Laser Light, Power Bank, Mobile Charger, Earphone
- knife, scissors, razor, blade, wire
- Arms and ammunition, firecrackers etc.
- remote controlled car lock key
Who will be the chief guest?
This year, the chief guest on Republic Day will be Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto, in front of whom we will get a unique glimpse of India’s culture, development and heritage. Along with this, about 10 thousand people from India who have expertise in various fields.
Who have been invited as special guests in this program.
how to book tickets
To watch the Republic Day Parade, you can book tickets both online and offline. You can book tickets from home by downloading or amantran mobile app. Ticket prices vary from ₹20, ₹100 and ₹500 depending on the seating arrangement. Also, the Defense Ministry has set up counters at various locations in Delhi to purchase tickets offline. The counters are open from 10 am to 12:30 pm and from 2 pm to 4:30 pm.