A question has been raised on the property worth crores of rupees of Pataudi family, an order of Jabalpur High Court is going viral on social media. In the viral order, Jabalpur High Court has asked the Pataudi family to file their case within 30 days. Pataudi family has given clarity from their side or not. No stance has come forward regarding this. Regarding this, questions have also been raised on Saif Ali Khan’s family property.
What is the order of the High Court?
The bench of Jabalpur High Court gave this order on 13 December. Which went viral on social media on 21 January 2025. In which the court has ordered the Pataudi family to give their explanation within 1 month. But there is still no clarification on whether the Pataudi family has taken any action in this regard or not. In such a situation, Bhopal Collector Kaushalendra Vikram Singh said that all action will be taken only after the order of the High Court.
Jabalpur HC order goes viral on social media
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, his mother Sharmila Tagore, sister Soha Ali Khan, Saba Ali Khan and Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi’s sister Sabiha Sultan are facing trial in the Madhya Pradesh High Court, Jabalpur since 2015. People who knew the Pataudi family reached Flag House in Bhopal. He told that the High Court has lifted the ban on properties. After the High Court lifted the ban on property, no statement has come out yet from Saif Ali Khan, his family or his lawyer.
Whose wealth is worth crores?
In 2015, Mumbai-based Enemy Property Inspectorate declared the land of Bhopal Nawab as government. After which the Pataudi family went to court. In 1947, Bhopal was considered the property of the Nawabs. Nawab Hamidullah Khan is remembered as the last Nawab. Who was younger than Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi. Where the central government considers Nawab Hamidullah Khan’s daughter Abida as entitled to the property. And shows all the property in and around Bhopal as enemy property. Whereas Saif Ali Khan and his family consider his grandmother i.e. Nawab Hamidullah Khan’s second daughter Sajida Sultan to be the rightful owner of the property. In Bhopal, the Pataudi family claims the Flag Staff House near the Ahmedabad Palace in Kohjifa. Whose price is more than Rs 15 thousand crores.