Bigg Boss 18 winner was announced last Sunday, and Karanveer Mehra took home the trophy. On social media, still there’s a debate going on that either Rajat Dalal or Vivian Dsena should have won. The contestants are out of the house, and they are doing Insta lives to thank their fans. Rajat Dalal, Vivian Dsena, Karanveer Mehra, and Eisha Singh have done Insta lives and netizens are also keeping a track of how many people were a part of the lives these people did.
Today, Karan took to X to thank his friends from the fratenity for their support. He posted, “‘K haatho ki lakiro pe mukadar nahi hota hai Dosto ka pyaar ho toh Har shaqs mukadar ka Sikander hota hai’ Just wanted to take a moment to thank all my fraternity, friends , peers for their love and constant support. Dil se thank you , mere sabhi Naye, puraney 10 “12” 15 saal wale dosto ko.”
While Karan has not mentioned Vivian’s name in the post, it looks like he has taken a dig at his co-contestant of the house. If you have watched Bigg Boss 18, many times Karan stated that he knows Vivian from the past 12 years, and they have been friends as well. While Karan maintained that they were friends, Vivian stated that they were not good friends, but they have been cordial like just two people working in an industry together.
Many people on X understood that Karan is talking about his firendship with Vivian. An X user wrote, “12 Saal was very personal.” Another netizen posted, “12 saal se dost hai lekin pehli movie, pehla serial, school ka naam bhi nahi pata hai. Khair, mubarak ho tumko ye jeet tumhari, jalne wale jal k reh gaye , hum trophy utha k chal gaye.” One more X user commented, “Love youuuu!! Keep the digs coming please.”
Last night, Vivian’s wife Nouran Aly had planned a party for her husband, and it was attended by many Bigg Boss 18 contestants like Avinash Mishra, Chahat Pandey, and others. But, Karanveer was not seen at the party. So, we wonder if the 12 years of friendship will continue or not.