Bombay High Court’s ‘strong message’ to ED Taking a strict stance, the Bombay High Court on Tuesday imposed a fine of Rs 1 lakh on the Enforcement Directorate (ED). The court took this step to initiate a money laundering probe against the realty developer. It was also said that the central agency should work within the ambit of law.

Stop exploitation of citizens – Court

While imposing the fine, a single bench of Justice Milind Jadhav said, ‘There is a need to send a strong message to the law enforcement agencies to ensure that citizens are not exploited. Now the time has come that central agencies like ED stop taking law into their own hands and exploiting citizens.

Along with this, the court canceled all the summons and notices issued to Mumbai real estate developer Rakesh Jain by the special court after the ED complaint.

The bench also ordered the ED to deposit Rs 1 lakh in the High Court library within four weeks. Apart from this, it was also ordered to pay Rs 1 lakh to the original complainant in the case and the amount was asked to be given to Kirtikar Law Library in Mumbai.

What is the whole matter?

The buyer of the property had filed a case of violation of rules and fraud against the real estate developer named Rakesh Jain. The complaint was lodged at Vile Parle police station. On the basis of this, ED started investigating the money laundering case against Rakesh Jain. The matter is of August 2014. The special court had issued a notice on the proceedings filed by the ED in August 2014. Now on Tuesday (January 21), the High Court canceled the notice issued by the special court against Rakesh Jain in the case.


Investigation into this matter was started

The ED launched a money laundering probe after a property buyer filed a police complaint against real estate developer Rakesh Jain at the Vile Parle police station alleging breach of contract and fraud.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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