A horrific road accident has occurred on Yalapura Highway in Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka. Here in Gulapura, a truck filled with vegetables became unbalanced and overturned. Due to which the truck was blown apart. 10 people have died and 15 people have been injured in this accident. The accident happened around 4 in the morning. As soon as information about the accident was received, the police team reached the spot.

Uttara Kannada SP M Narayana said that this morning a truck accident took place on NH-63 in Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka. The truck was also filled with vegetables and fruits and more than 30 people were traveling in it. He told that at around 4 in the morning, the truck driver tried to give way to another vehicle and went to the left and fell into a ditch about 50 meters deep.


A police officer said that during the investigation, a truck loaded with vegetables fell into a 50 meter deep gorge in the early hours of Wednesday. It is being told that all the people present in the truck were going from Savanur to Yalapura fair to sell vegetables and fruits. About 10 people died on the spot in this accident. While 15 people were seriously injured. The injured people have been admitted to KIMS Hospital in Hubli. Where he is undergoing treatment.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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