The examination of Paper-1 BE/B.Tech of JEE Main 2025 Session-1 started from Wednesday amid tight security. Students had to undergo frisking and biometric checks before entering the examination centre. This time, strict rules have also been implemented regarding taking toilet breaks during the examination. If a student takes toilet break mid-examination, he/she will have to undergo re-checking and biometric attendance. It is clearly written in the admit card that on taking toilet break, the student will be searched again and biometric attendance will be done.

Rules related to jeans and clothes

For many students, there was some confusion about wearing jeans. Although candidates can wear jeans, NTA has said that the clothes should be comfortable and should not have big buttons. Apart from this, it has been advised to avoid wearing metal items or accessories. Clothes should be light and comfortable according to the season, and avoid wearing clothes with buckles or metal. Also, wearing head coverings such as hats or mufflers is not permitted, and avoid wearing jewelery such as chains, bracelets or rings. Students are also prohibited from wearing shoes with thick soles; It is advised to wear simple sandals or slippers.

DigiLocker/ABC ID Registration Mandatory

It is mandatory for the candidates to register through DigiLocker or ABC ID. Candidates who were not able to register through DigiLocker or ABC ID or chose non-Aadhaar authentication option will have to report one hour before on the day of examination.

Exam dates and schedule

  • JEE Main Paper-1 will be held on 22, 23, 24, 28 and 29 January. The exam will be held in two shifts: first shift from 9 am to 12 noon, and second shift from 3 pm to 6 pm.
  • The exam for Paper-2 (B. Arch and B. Planning) will be held on January 30 from 3 pm to 6 pm, and the second shift will run from 3 pm to 6.30 pm.

Be sure to take these things with you

  • admit card
  • 4 photos
  • declaration form

Due to security the gate will close half an hour earlier

In view of security, the gate of the examination center will be closed half an hour before. NTA has said that for the examination which starts at 9 am, entry will be from 7 am to 8.30 am only. At the same time, for the examination to be held from 3 to 6 pm, entry will be from 1 pm to 2.30 pm.

Declaration form will have to be given in case of absence of Aadhaar

Students who have not been able to register with Aadhaar number during JEE Main application will have to fill the undertaking form given in the admit card and bring it along with them and will get admission only by showing it at the time of examination.

jee main result

After the result of JEE Main examinations, the rank of the candidates will be released based on the best NTA score of both the sessions. Candidates who rank in the first 2,50,000 will be able to apply for JEE Advanced, which is required for admission to IITs. For JEE Advanced, you must have at least 75% marks in 12th or be in the top 20 percentile in the respective board exam.

JEE Main Exam Structure

JEE Main consists of three papers: Physics, Chemistry and Maths. This exam is of 3 hours, with a total of 90 questions, out of which each subject has 30-30 questions. Paper A consists of 20 multiple choice questions in each subject, while Paper B consists of 10 numerical questions. Under the new pattern, Section B will be reduced from 10 questions to 5 questions, and all questions will be compulsory.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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