The accused in the attack on film actor Saif Ali Khan had infiltrated into India through the Dauki river located near the India-Bangladesh border. Bangladeshi citizens are being known by different names. He had allegedly obtained the SIM card using the Aadhaar card of a Meghalaya resident. Citing a report, Shiv Sena’s UBT’s Priyanka Chaturvedi tweeted, “The illegal Bangladeshi migrant who came to attack Saif Ali Khan entered India through Meghalaya.”
After entering India, the accused changed his name to Vijoy Das and lived in West Bengal for some time. Then he came to Mumbai in search of employment.
SIM card and Aadhar card fraud
According to the Indian Express report, Shahzad used a SIM card in the name of ‘Khukumoni Jahangir Sheikh’ from West Bengal. He tried to make Aadhaar card in the name of Vijoy Das, but he could not succeed in it. According to the report, Shahzad told police that he had studied till Class 12 in Bangladesh, had two brothers, and had come to India in search of employment.
looking for work in mumbai
After staying in West Bengal for a few weeks, Shehzad reached Mumbai and started working at places where documents were not required. Labor contractor Amit Pandey got her housekeeping work in pubs and hotels in Worli and Thane.
During interrogation, Shehzad had earlier claimed that he was a resident of Kolkata. During investigation of his mobile phone, police found several calls made to Bangladeshi numbers. He had used mobile apps to contact his family.
Intrusion into Saif Ali Khan’s apartment
Shehzad jumped over the boundary wall to enter Saif Ali Khan’s apartment in Bandra, Mumbai. During this he found that the security guards were sleeping. A Mumbai Police official said, “Both the security guards were sleeping in Saif Ali Khan’s apartment when the attacker entered by jumping the boundary wall. “He kept his shoes in his bag to avoid making any noise and also switched off his phone.”
attack on saif ali khan
In the early hours of 16 January, Shehzad attacked Saif Ali Khan multiple times with a knife in his apartment. The actor was seriously injured, and was admitted to Lilavati Hospital for emergency surgery. Three days after the attack, police arrested the accused from the neighboring city of Thane. On January 21, Saif Ali Khan was discharged from the hospital and came in front of the media cameras with his hand bandaged.