Kareena Kapoor on media: After the attack on Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor has expressed her displeasure on the media and got angry. The actress has shared the video on her Instagram account and asked them to leave her alone. Kareena expressed her anger on her Instagram story and deleted the post within a few minutes. Kareena is going through a difficult phase at the moment. In such a situation, he has already asked the media and paparazzi to maintain privacy. Then a new post regarding his children has troubled him.

Re-sharing the video, Kareena wrote, ‘Wait now, have some heart, for God’s sake leave us alone.’ Along with this, the actress has also made an emoji with folded hands. Actually, in this video it was shown that new toys have arrived in the actress’s house for Jeh and Taimur. Kareena’s anger shows that she is upset with the recent attack on her house.

Stop now, leave us alone...', Kareena Kapoor lashes out at paparazzi after attack on Saif 2 - Image

After this reaction of Kareena, her fans have supported her on social media. Fans have appealed to Kareena’s family to give her privacy and stop such news. This is not the first time that Kareena has expressed her views. Saif Ali Khan’s fans and Kareena’s followers are standing with him in this difficult time.


attack on saif ali khan

Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a knife late Thursday (January 16) night. There was a scuffle between the two, in which Shariful, who had entered the house with the intention of stealing, attacked the actor.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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