BJP today released the second part of the manifesto for Delhi Assembly elections 2025. Former Union Minister and MP Anurag Thakur held a press conference in Delhi and issued a resolution letter and made promises to the people of Delhi. MP Anurag Thakur said that if BJP government is formed in Delhi, there will be zero tolerance on corruption. SIT will be formed on Sheesh Mahal and Mohalla Clinic. Needy students will be provided free education from KG to PG in government educational institutions of Delhi.
Part-2 of BJP’s manifesto
- One time financial assistance of Rs 15000 will be provided to those needy candidates who want to appear in competitive examinations like UPSC for their preparation.
- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar will start the scholarship scheme, under which a scholarship of Rs 1000 per month will be given to Scheduled Caste students studying in IITs, skill centres, polytechnics.
- An Auto and Taxi Welfare Board will be created for auto and taxi drivers, which will provide life insurance up to Rs 10 lakh, accident insurance up to Rs 5 lakh, scholarships for their children, concessional vehicle insurance.
- 6 months paid maternity leave will be provided.
- Domestic Workers Welfare Board will be constituted for domestic workers.
- The Prime Minister will double the number of beneficiaries of Swanidhi Yojana.
What did Anurag Thakur say?
Releasing the second part of BJP’s manifesto for Delhi Assembly elections 2025, MP Anurag Thakur said that when we imagine a developed India, a developed Delhi plays an important role. Today I have brought its second part for all of you. We will try to give a better today and tomorrow to the people of Delhi. If BJP government is formed, we will solve the problems of health, traffic, electricity, water, transport etc.