On Sunday, January 19, 2025, more than 150 participants from Western Railway took part in the prestigious Tata Mumbai Marathon 2025. Ashok Kumar Misra, General Manager of Western Railway, participated in the 10 km run of this mega sporting event and completed the race successfully. Several senior officers of WR also participated in various categories of the race like Full Marathon, Half Marathon, 10 km, Dream Run etc. According to a press release issued by Chief Public Relations Officer of Western Railway – Vineet Abhishek, WR’s General Manager, Ashok Kumar Misra was an inspiration to the entire WR team and motivated them to give their best. Misra led the WR team from the forefront in 10 km event of the race. He was joined by several other senior WR officials. Manoj Yadava, Director General of RPF – IR; Kuldeep Jain, Senior General Manager (SDGM/WR); Narendra Panwar, Chief Freight Transportation Manager (CFTM/WR); Pankaj Singh, Divisional Railway Manager of Mumbai Central Division; Sachin Sharma, Secretary to GM/WR; Ujjwal Deo, Deputy General Manager (DGM/WR) and Vineet Abhishek, Chief Public Relations Officer (CPRO/WR) are to name a few.
Vineet informed said that a stage was erected near Churchgate Promenade, wherein RPF band of Western Railway played melodious songs to cheer up the runners and promote safe travel in railways. A contingent of 50 RPF jawans of Western Railway, including 8 women RPF personnel also participated in the race. Their run was to spread Awareness about several initiatives undertaken by RPF to ensure the safety of railway passengers in every corner of the country.