Saif Ali Khan was attacked by a burglar at his house in Bandra a few days ago. The actor was rushed to the Lilavati Hospital and he underwent a surgery. Now, after five days, today the actor has been discharged and the videos of the same have made it to the social media.

In the video, Saif can see walking and entering his building, and he is waving at his fans and media. Well, after the actor’s surgery, Saif’s team had shared a statement in which they had mentioned that he is out of danger.

However, it looks like netizens were not expecting to see Saif walking properly after the discharge. A netizen posted on Instagram, “Whtt..he just looks absolutely fine…itna hype kiye ….6times knife say stabbing hua hai and all.” Another Instagram user wrote, “Here I am not able to walk due to back pain…Saif after surgery is walking like nothing happened.” One more netizen commented, “I thought he will be on wheelchair.”





While of course, there are some netizens who are trying to troll Saif and question his curent health situation, some netizens are happy that the actor is fine. A netizen commented, “Happy to see you stay fit. Another Instagram user wrote, “Looks fit and fine thankgod.”



The new of Saif Ali Khan attacked by a burglar at his house had shocked one and all. The cops started the investigation, and the accused was arrested a couple of days ago. Reportedly, the accused is a citizen of Bangladesh named Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad, and he was caught by Mumbai police at near the Hiranandani Estate in Kasarvadavali.

According to reports, Saif Ali Khan and his family have moved to a different house in the same location. Photos and videos of Taimur and Jeh’s toys being shifted to the new house had made it to the social media.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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