The pre-wedding of Anant Ambani, son of the country’s biggest businessman Mukesh Ambani, was much talked about. The pre-wedding was attended by celebrities from all over the world. Now discussion has started regarding the marriage of Gautam Adani’s son Jeet Adani. Their pre-wedding took place in Udaipur. But the marriage has not taken place yet. According to the report, many famous faces will also attend Jeet Adani’s wedding.
Marriage with Surat’s daughter
The special thing is that the marriage of Gautam Adani’s son Jeet Adani is going to happen on 7th February. According to the report of News 18, chefs from more than 50 countries have been invited to the wedding ceremony. Many celebrities from Bollywood to Hollywood can be included in this. It is noteworthy that Adani’s son Jeet Adani is getting married to Diva, daughter of Gujarat’s diamond businessman Jamin Shah.
Zeenat and Diva’s engagement took place on 12 March. They kept their relationship private. But after his pre-wedding ceremony, discussions about Anant Ambani’s marriage started. Now there are reports that famous Hollywood singer Taylor Swift can perform at Zeenat’s wedding.
Singers will perform
There are reports that Zeenat and Diva Shah’s wedding ceremony may be more grand than Anant Ambani’s wedding. Many famous personalities from India and abroad may attend his wedding. According to reports, music icons Travis Scott and Honey Singh may perform. Apart from this, global icons Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner, Selena Gomez and Sydney Sweeney can also attend the event.
There are also reports of Taylor Swift’s arrival. However, their arrival is still debated. It is believed that he may attend the wedding of Zeenat and Diva. At present no official statement has come from their side regarding this.
More than 1000 luxury cars
Gautam Adani is one of the biggest industrialists of the country. It is his son’s wedding, so famous personalities of the country will definitely attend it. Apart from this, guests will also come from abroad. It is being said that more than 1000 people will come in luxury and expensive cars and famous and best chefs from 58 countries will be invited for their service and food facilities.