Monalisa, the viral girl of Mahakumbh 2025 to be held in Prayagraj, has created a stir on social media. Monalisa became popular because of her beautiful eyes. This girl selling garlands amidst a crowd of crores in Mahakumbh has become famous on social media with her beautiful eyes. People are sharing his videos and photos on social media. There have also been reports that this viral girl has received an offer to do a film in Bollywood.
Will Monalisa be seen in a Bollywood film?
Monalisa, who has beautiful eyes, has become famous because of her beauty and smile. Everyone wants to click photos with them. Then a Bollywood film has fallen on this viral girl. According to a media report, filmmaker Sanoj Mishra wants to cast Monalisa in his film. Sanoj Mishra says that Monalisa’s look and her innocent style have been liked a lot. He wants to give a role in his most awaited film Diary of Manipur. This information has been received through a private media report.
Will Monalisa teach acting?
According to reports, filmmaker Sanoj Mishra may choose Monalisa for his new project. This viral girl may be chosen to play the lead role in Manipur’s Ne Diary. Monalisa does not know acting but still he will give complete training to Monalisa to become an actress. This information has been received through media reports.
According to a media report, filmmaker Sanoj said that he wants to give Monalisa the role of a farmer’s daughter in his film. He will soon go to Prayagraj and meet Monalisa. ,
Who is Sanoj Mishra?
He also said that first of all he will get Monalisa admitted in drama school. They will be taught the tricks of acting and for this they will have to work hard themselves. Let us tell you that Sanoj Mishra is busy these days preparing for the film ‘Diary of Manipur’. His film is based on the burning issue of Manipur. Bollywood star Rajkumar Rao’s elder brother Amit Rao is going to debut in Bollywood with this film. Sanoj Mishra is a director who makes films on burning issues of society.
Monalisa troubled by the crowd
Mona Lisa has become so popular on social media that people from all over the country and abroad come to Mahakumbh to meet her. Because of this, she has become so upset that she walks around covering her face. Yesterday there were also reports that Monalisa’s father has sent her home. However, at present there are reports that people are surrounding him. She is so tired of taking pictures and videos that she cannot do the work of selling her necklaces.