Maha Kumbh Mela 2025 has attracted devotees from across the world. Many reels from the grand event at Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh have surfaced online. Days after a video of a man taking the holy dip with a photo of his late mother went viral, a clip showing a die-hard cricket fan dipping his jersey in the holy water is drawing the attention of social media users. The now-viral video filmed an IPL fan offering a holy dip to his Royal Challengers Bengaluru (RCB) jersey at the Triveni Sangam.
Take a look at the video below
RCB jersey at Maha Kumbh 2025
The video captured a man attending Maha Kumbh Mela with his RCB jersey. He was identified as RCB fan Harish.
The fan created a reel during his visit to the grand event in UP. Instead of taking a holy dip at the Triveni Sangam, the confluence of three sacred rivers – Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati, he also gave his RCB jersey a dip. In the clip, he was seen cherishing his sports fan moment with his act of offering the RCB jersey a dip at the holy spot.
Video goes viral
Harish and the friends with whom he travelled to Kumbh Mela shared visuals of the incident on Instagram. They recorded and uploaded reels of him flaunting the RCB jersey at Triveni Sangam.
The video of him giving the IPL-themed costume a dip in the holy waters during his visit to Maha Kumbh Mela this year has gone viral and hit more than six million views on Instagram. Being posted online on January 19, the reel has already received 6.6 million views and lakhs of likes.
Netizens react
The reel fetched mixed reactions from internet users. While a few condemned him for flaunting his jersey and creating reels with it at the event instead of soaking in its auspiciousness, fellow RCB fans hit the like button and share ‘fire’ emojis in the comments section.
“Third class fellows. Knowledge less fellow..many are suffering to bless the holy place to reach”, one wrote. “Please don’t do all these nonsense”, said another.
Meanwhile, netizens in love with cricket were okay with his act.
“Bhai sorry but Bhagwan bhi rcb ko nahi jeetwa sakte ipl (Brother sorry but even God can’t make RCB win IPL)”, read one of the comments made on a lighthearted one.