Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): Over two dozen residents reached the local hospital requesting anti-rabies injections after consuming buffalo milk in Madhya Pradesh’s Dabra on Monday. The doctors respectfully refused to give the panic-stricken residents the anti-rabies shot and pacified them.
Panic among the citizens ensued when they were informed that a rabid street dog had bitten the buffalo whose milk they consumed regularly. The doctors of the district hospital stated that, as per WHO guidelines, consuming milk from an animal bitten by a rabid dog does not transmit rabies.
According to information, on Monday morning a whisper set off among residents of Gwalior’s Dabra area. The whisper exclaimed that a rabid dog had bitten a local buffalo. But this was not any local buffalo; this mammal used to provide milk for over a dozen houses in the area. The whisper travelled quickly and spread like wildfire. Scared, the residents rushed to the local hospital, requesting the doctors to give them an anti-rabies jab.
The doctors, knowing that the infection does not transfer, tried to pacify the residents. Health officials and doctors clarified, as per WHO guidelines, that consuming milk from an animal bitten by a rabid dog does not pose a risk of rabies. Despite this, panic-stricken residents crowded hospitals throughout the day to seek precautionary measures.