Benefits of walking: Walking daily has many benefits for the body. Walking is one of the easiest and most effective forms of exercise, which can benefit people’s health in many ways. However, most people do not consider it as exercise. But this is such a physical activity that if done daily, your weight will not increase, your stomach will not increase nor will there be any pain anywhere in the body. You always walk straight, but have you ever walked backwards? Yes… walking upside down can also have many benefits for the body. Let us tell you about it.

Why go in reverse?
Rajendra Das Maharaj is a religious guru, who shares health and spirituality related things with people on his YouTube page. He said that walking upside down helps in reducing the protruding belly. They say, people move forward, due to which the meat behind is not able to grow. Similarly, if we walk backwards our stomach may become smaller.


Benefits of walking upside down
1. Physical balance-
Walking upside down keeps our body balanced and the focus of our mind also improves.

2. Relief from knee pain – Walking upside down also benefits our knees. Walking upside down also provides relief from pain caused by arthritis and bone fractures.

3. Mental health- Walking upside down for 30 minutes daily also reduces mental stress. By doing this our mind remains healthy and we get energy to do more work.


4. Strength of legs – Walking upside down strengthens the muscles of the legs. The veins in the legs open up which reduces the pain.

5. Weight will be less- Walking in this way also reduces body weight. Walking upside down reduces belly, back and thigh fat, which keeps you fit.


Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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