Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan may be discharged from Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai today. Hospital doctor Nitin Dange has confirmed that all the formalities related to discharge were completed late on Monday night. Saif Ali Khan is likely to be discharged from 10 am to noon today.

Last week on Thursday, Saif Ali Khan was attacked by a man named Shahzad after entering his house. He was immediately admitted to the hospital due to deep knife wounds. However, now his condition has improved a lot.

arrest of attacker

After the incident, the police arrested the attacker from a labor camp in Mumbai on Sunday. According to the police, Shehzad had entered the house and fatally attacked Saif Ali Khan. The actor suffered several serious injuries due to this attack, but due to timely treatment, his condition is now stable.

Saba Ali Khan gave information about Saif’s health

Saif Ali Khan’s sister Saba Ali Khan also gave an update about his health. He wrote on his Insta story:
“It was great to spend time with my brother. It is heartening to see his health improving rapidly in the last two days.”

Saba expressed happiness at feeling safe with her family and also wrote that they are always united as a family. In his Insta story, he wrote with a hugging emoji that Saif will soon make a full recovery.

delay in discharge

According to India Today report, Saif Ali Khan was earlier to be discharged on Monday. However, the doctors decided to keep him under observation in the hospital for another day. The discharge process was started late on Monday night and he will be discharged from the hospital today, Tuesday.

Saif’s health improving

Doctors say that Saif Ali Khan’s health is improving rapidly and he is now in the final stages of recovery. After discharge from the hospital, Saif has been advised to rest at home for a few days.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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