Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor will be seen in a massy cop avatar in his upcoming film titled Deva. If reports are to be believed, the actor has shot for multiple climax scenes for the film, however, there is only one which has made to the final cut.

An insider has revealed that multiple climax scenes were shot for the film, and even the cast and crew are unaware of which version made it to the final cut. “The makers have kept the climax tightly under wraps, leaving everyone guessing. This secrecy ensures an added layer of suspense not just for audiences but for the team as well,” says the source.

The trailer of Deva released a few days ago and it by the looks of it, the film promises to show Shahid in a never-seen-before avatar. The actor plays an angry, young cop in the film, and can be seen packing some intense punches and delivering impressive gun-toting scenes.

During the trailer launch in Mumbai, Shahid stated that it took three years of making and one year of shooting for Deva. “We have given everything, from our head and our heart to give the audience an experience that will stay for long. Deva is the most complex character I’ve played, and I’ve played a few, but if there was any character that challenged me, and I am capable of doing this is Deva,” he said.

Besides Shahid, Deva also stars Pooja Hegde, Kubra Sait and Pavail Gulati in key roles. Directed by acclaimed Malayalam filmmaker Rosshan Andrrews and produced by Zee Studios and Roy Kapur Films, Deva is all set to hit the big screens on January 31, 2025.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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