Indore (Madhya Pradesh): The Kanadiya police arrested five people, including two siblings, for committing serial thefts on Bypass Road, officials said here on Monday. All are professional thieves and related to each other. They used to meet at their sister’s house in Scheme No. 140 to prepare a plan for committing thefts.

They first did recce in the colonies and later committed theft at night. The police recovered stolen jewellery, cash and two two-wheelers worth Rs 3 lakh (bought with stolen money) from the accused.

The accused allegedly informed the police that they burgled houses to pay their vehicle’s EMI and to travel to various destinations. They used to travel through mud roads or pass through fields to evade cops.

They also told the police that they used iron rods, cutters and other equipment to break the locks of houses and almirahs. DCP (zone-2) Abhinay Vishwakarma said that on the basis of CCTV camera footage and technical assistance, the police arrested a thief Jitu alias Cheetu Baghel of Banganga on August 17.

The accused has 18 cases registered against him at various police stations. During interrogation, he allegedly disclosed the names of his four accomplices, of whom one was his brother and the rest cousins.

The police arrested his brother Rakesh Baghel and cousins Ajay Mehda, Rakesh Mehda and Harish Bidare. The accused allegedly confessed to committing more than six thefts in Kanadiya, Tilak Nagar and Vijay Nagar areas. They are being further interrogated.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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