An unexpected incident was witnessed on Monday at the SSP office in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, when a dispute between a sub-inspector and a constable turned violent. After the altercation, both of them started abusing and then kicking and punching. The people present there recorded the video of this incident, which later went viral on social media.
cause of dispute
According to sources, the reason for the fight is said to be the transfer of Inspector Sandeep Yadav’s constable wife. The inspector was trying to get his wife posted from rural area to urban area. There was an altercation with constable Anuj Kumar, who is posted as a scribe in the reader’s office of CO Peshi, over some investigation paper. Within no time the matter reached a scuffle.
commotion at the scene
The inspector was in plain dress, while the constable was in uniform. During the fight, the staff of the SSP office ran to intervene and somehow separated the two.
action on indiscipline
CO Sadar Sneha Tiwari said that information about the incident has been given to higher officials. In the police department, which is known for discipline, such an incident is taken seriously.
- Inspector Sandeep Yadav: GRP is posted in Mahoba. A report has been submitted against him to SP GRP.
- Constable Anuj Kumar: Punitive action is being taken against him.
Congress targeted Yogi government
Congress posted the video of the incident on its social media handle and raised questions on the law and order situation of Uttar Pradesh. Congress said, “When the officers who maintain law and order are themselves fighting like street goons, then how will the general public be safe in the state?”
This incident raises questions on the discipline of the police department and has become a topic of discussion on the law and order situation in the state.