Aparna Yadav, younger daughter-in-law of Samajwadi Party patron Mulayam Singh Yadav and vice-chairman of Uttar Pradesh Women’s Commission, has praised Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for the Mahakumbh and the safety of women. He said that Kumbh was organized earlier also, but the Yogi government is organizing it with grandeur. Aparna Yadav was talking to journalists in Etawah on Monday.

Appreciation of women’s safety and schemes

Praising women’s safety and government schemes, Aparna Yadav said that people have now started considering the birth of daughters as a matter of joy and pride. They Kanya Sumangala Yojana Referring to this, he said that this is developing a positive attitude towards daughters in the minds of grandmothers and other family members.

Yogi government praised on the grandeur of Mahakumbh

Aparna said that Kumbh was organized in earlier governments also, but this time the event is more grand and well organized. He said that a large number of people from across the country and abroad are participating in the Mahakumbh. Foreign companies are also connecting with Indian culture and Sanatan Dharma. He congratulated the state and central governments for making grand preparations in such a short time.

Inspection and overview of plans

Aparna Yadav inspected Van Sakhi Stop Center, District Hospital, and Kasturba Gandhi Vidyalaya of Etawah.

  • Lakshmi Yojana Kit Distribution: He distributed kits under Lakshmi Yojana in the women’s hospital.
  • Overview of progress of schemes: Took information from officials about the progress of schemes and expressed satisfaction over their implementation.

Joined Saifai

After inspecting the health services in Etawah, Aparna Yadav reached Saifai, where she participated in the Shanti Havan of late Rajpal Singh Yadav.

Aparna Yadav described the efforts of Yogi government as an important step towards women empowerment and overall development of the state.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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