Just days after the firing incident in Sinhgad College area in Pune, a shooting incident has taken place in the Chakan MIDC area, sending shockwaves through the region. Ajay Singh, the owner of Kailas Steel in the Chakan Industrial Estate, was shot at by two unidentified men who arrived on a two-wheeler. The attackers targeted Singh at the company gate, hitting him with one bullet in the stomach and another in the back before fleeing the scene.

The incident occurred around 11 am on Monday under the jurisdiction of Mahalunge MIDC Police Station (Pimpri Chinchwad Police Commissionerate), and Singh was rushed to a private hospital where his condition is reported to be stable. While the exact motive behind the attack remains unclear, the police are investigating the case. Initial reports suggest that the attack may not have been linked to extortion, as Singh stated no such demand was made.

The attack has raised concerns in the area, and 10 to 12 police teams, including the crime branch, have been deployed to track down the assailants. Pimpri Chinchwad DCP Dr. Shivaji Pawar stated that the investigation is ongoing, and they are working to determine the true motive behind the attack.

Rise in crime rate in Pune

The rise in crime in Pune district has led to political uproar. Recently, in December, Satish Wagh, the maternal uncle of Bharatiya Janata Party’s MLC Yogesh Tilekar, was kidnapped on Dec 9 when he was on a morning walk near his house. The same evening, his body was found near Yavat on the Pune-Solapur Highway, around 40 km from the abduction spot. Investigation revealed that Wagh was stabbed to death and was also beaten with a blunt object.

However, later during the probe, it was revealed that Wagh’s wife had given a ‘supari’ of Rs5 lakh to kidnap and murder him. It also came to light that Mohini had an extra-marital relationship.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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