Kangana Ranaut’s film ‘Emergency’ is in theatres. This film is based on the incident of emergency in the country. This film was released on 17 January 2025. The audience returning after watching the film is praising Kangana’s acting. Also, critics have also given good response to the film. This film of the actress has not been released in Punjab. After which the actress has reacted on this.
Kangana Ranaut shared a post from her social media account on Monday. In this he has thanked the audience for the love the film is receiving. He also expressed grief over the film not being released in Punjab. Kangana said, ‘Friends, I thank you on behalf of Zee Studio, Manikarnika and every member of the film. I have no words for the love and respect you have given me, but there is still some pain in my heart.
Kangana further said, ‘Punjab! It was said in the industry that my films perform well in Punjab and today is the day that my film is not releasing in Punjab. This protest is being done by a few selected people. Friends, this film reflects my love for my film, my thoughts and my country. You decide for yourself after watching this film. Does this film unite or divide us? I won’t say anything more. Thank you Jai Hind.