Rajneesh Kumar, an officer of Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers (1990 batch) has taken over the charge of Principal Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer, Western Railway. Previously, he worked as Divisional Railway Manager, Ratlam Division of Western Railway from October, 2022 to December, 2024.
A senior officer from the 1990 batch of the Indian Railway Service of Signal and Telecommunications Engineers, Mr. Kumar graduated in Electronics Engineering from Aligarh Muslim University in 1989. Before joining the railways, he worked as a Senior Research Associate at IIT Delhi. Mr. Kumar has extensive experience in Signal and Telecom maintenance and construction. He has served in various capacities in Gorakhpur HQ, Varanasi, & Lucknow Divisions of North Eastern Railway and played a significant role in the doubling of the Mathura-Kasganj and Barabanki-Gonda rail sections as well as remodeling of several yards. He was also assigned to complete the gauge conversion of the challenging Lumding-Tinsukia rail section. From 2011 to 2016, Mr. Kumar served as Director/Signal at the Research Designs and Standards Organization (RDSO) Lucknow, enhancing the reliability of signaling equipment and developing various LED signal technologies. As Executive Director at RDSO, he improved equipment quality, expedited vendor approvals, and increased transparency in the work process.
While working as Divisional Railway Manager, Ratlam from October, 2022 to December, 2024, he led multi-disciplinary team of officers and ensured safety and overall punctuality of trains. Various improvement works like infrastructure development, reliability improvement, speed enhancement, bridge strengthening, signaling upgradation and AMRIT station works were also executed over Ratlam Division during his tenure.