Under the guidance of Akhil Bharatiya Terapanth Mahila Mandal, Terapanth Mahila Mandal, South Mumbai, organized cancer awareness camps to educate women about breast cancer and its prevention. The camps were held at Mahapragya public school, Mumbai Metro line -3,Aditya Pearl Society and was attended by hundreds of women.
The camp featured expert doctors of HCC JCSS Khubchandani Cancer Center who spoke about the symptoms, causes, and prevention of breast cancer. The doctors emphasized the importance of regular breast self-examination and encouraged women to take charge of their health.
To spread awareness about breast cancer, pamphlets were distributed to the attendees. The pamphlets provided information on the symptoms, prevention and self examination of breast.
The objective of the camp was to encourage them to take proactive steps towards their health. Through this initiative, Terapanth Mahila Mandal, South Mumbai, has demonstrated its commitment to the health and well-being of women.
In addition the camp also offered free mammography tests to the attendees. A total of 30 woman underwent mammography tests which was conducted by a team of expert doctors of MOC Cancer Care and Research Centre.
“This initiative is a step towards creating awareness about cancer and encouraging women to take charge of their health. “We hope to continue this initiative and reach out to more women in the future.”