A group of Tamil Nadu-based devotees were caught eating egg biryani on the sacred hills of Tirumala, leading to an outrage on social media. The local police warned the devotees for violating the conduct of the area by consuming the non-vegetarian dish near the Rambagicha bus stand in Tirumala, Andhra Pradesh. The group claimed they were unaware that non-veg was prohibited there.
When the Tirumala police spotted these people eating egg biryani during their visit to the pilgrim site, he questioned their actions at first and later, let them go with a verbal warning.
The devotees had travelled to Tirumala from Gummadipudi village near Tiruvallur in Tamil Nadu.
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Vigilance official warns them
A uniformed cop approached the group and informed them that they had violated the rule which prohibited the consumption of non-veg in the region.
“It is an issue. There are some rules here. The rule condemns the consumption of non-veg and it has to be followed”, the vigilance official said on spotting the devotees eating egg biryani.
Netizens upset
The devotees stated they were unaware that non-vegetarian dishes were prohibited in Tirumala. They informed it being their first and last time of such a mistake. The cop let them go after a verbal warning, however, the incident upset netizens.
X users questioned how these people were overlooked at the security checkpoint and managed to travel with their bags of egg biryani to the sacred pilgrim spot. They slammed the officials at the Alipiri checkpost for letting them enter Tirumala with egg biryani.