Big updates have come out regarding Ram temple in Ayodhya. Nripendra Mishra, Chairman of the Construction Committee of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, has shared important information on the progress of the Ram Darbar idol and other construction works. He told that not only the idol of Ram Darbar, but the idols of other seven temples are also being prepared in Jaipur. The idol of Ram Darbar can be ready by 31 January or 15 February.

Review meeting and inspection of Ram temple construction

The two-day review meeting of the building construction committee of Ram temple is starting from Monday. For this, Chairman Nripendra Mishra reached Ayodhya on Sunday. After visiting Hanumangarhi and Ramlala, he thoroughly inspected the works under construction in Shri Ram Janmabhoomi complex. During this, he discussed with experts to display the episodes of Ramayana on the ramparts and lower plinth of the temple.

Lower Plinth: Unique display of 80 episodes of Ramayana

Trustee of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, Dr. Anil Mishra said that 80 episodes of Valmiki Ramayana will be displayed in the lower plinth of Ram Temple. These incidents will be written in Hindi and English translation along with Sanskrit verses. Besides, 3D pictures related to these incidents are also being prepared.

In the meeting held on Sunday, experts presented their presentations, which included the outline of the Ramayana episodes and their paintings to be depicted on the lower plinth. This work is being done with the aim of increasing the grandeur of the temple and its religious importance.

Parkota: Pictures of 85 episodes of Ramayana on bronze metal

Pictures of 85 episodes of Ramayana are being prepared on bronze metal in the ramparts of the Ram Temple complex. Precise measurements and sizes have been determined for these images. Nripendra Mishra said that experts gave their suggestions regarding the plan to decorate these paintings on the wall. These topics will be discussed in more detail on Monday.

Special arrangements for devotees

General Secretary of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra, Champat Rai said that in view of the crowd gathered on Makar Sankranti, there is a possibility of a large number of devotees arriving on Mauni Amavasya also. Keeping this in mind, a tent city is being constructed in the pilgrimage area Puram near Mani Parvat, which will have accommodation for 10,000 devotees.

Apart from this, residential arrangements have also been made for the devotees in Karsevak Puram. Facilities are also being prepared in Angad Tila area for the comfort of pilgrims.

Expecting upcoming announcements

During the two-day review meeting, the progress of the construction works will be assessed and possible new plans will be announced. This meeting will prove to be another important step towards the grand construction of Ram temple.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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