Palghar: The traffic police in Vasai Virar have seized 50 vehicles operating without documents, including licences, badges, permits and pollution under control (PUC) certificates in Pragat Nagar, Alkapuri, and the Tulinj Road areas.

According to a senior inspector Prashant Langhi, the action will continue to target unauthorised rickshaws in the area. In Vasai Virar, reportedly 30-40% of rickshaws are operating without valid documents and they often flout traffic laws.

The highest number of unauthorised rickshaws are concentrated in areas such as Pragat Nagar, Alkapuri, Moregaon, Gala Nagar, Shirdi Nagar, Tulinj, Santosh Bhuvan, Vasai Phata, and other parts of Nalasopara. While the regional transport office (RTO) holds the authority to act against these illegal rickshaws; however, there seems to be no end to the authorised rickshaw operations.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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