Eating right and drinking adequate amount of water is essential for the overall health of our body. The deficiency of many nutrients can be compensated by drinking appropriate amount of water throughout the day. Water not only flushes out dirt and toxins from the body, but it also reduces the risk of various diseases. However, some wrong habits in drinking water can harm your body, especially the kidneys. Come, let us know what mistakes you are making and what needs to be corrected.

1. Drink very little water

It is very important to drink adequate amount of water daily to stay healthy. Drinking less water increases the amount of toxins in the body, which get trapped in the kidneys. This may increase the risk of kidney damage. Therefore, whether it is winter or summer, drink the right amount of water according to your age.

2. Drinking too much water is also harmful

Along with the disadvantages of drinking less water, drinking too much water can also be harmful for health. According to the National Kidney Foundation, the rule of drinking eight glasses of water daily does not apply to everyone. The correct amount of water depends on the person’s age, season, and physical activity level. So instead of following any general rule, understand your body’s requirements and consult a health expert.

3. Do not drink water while standing

Nowadays people drink water while standing in a hurry, but this habit can be harmful for health. By drinking water while standing, it quickly reaches the lower part of the body, due to which the impurities present in the water can get accumulated in the gall bladder. This results in increased risk of UTI infection and kidney damage.

By improving these small habits, you can improve your kidneys and overall health.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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