Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday launched the ‘White T-shirt’ campaign against the central government. Accusing the Modi government of turning its back on the problems of the poor, he said that his party will raise its voice against it. Gandhi appealed to people to join the campaign through a voice over video on social media platform X.

In the video, Rahul Gandhi said, “If you believe in economic equality, oppose growing disparities of wealth, fight for social equality, reject all forms of discrimination and work towards bringing peace and stability in our country. If you are trying for this, then wear your white t-shirt today and join our campaign. It is the responsibility of all of us to protect the power given by the Constitution.”

Along with this, Rahul Gandhi wrote in the caption of the video that the focus of the Modi government is completely on the capitalists, and they are busy in further enriching them. As a result, the condition of the country’s workers is continuously deteriorating, and they have to endure injustice and oppression. He said that it is our responsibility to raise our voice to provide justice and rights to the people of the country. With this in mind, the ‘White T-shirt’ campaign is being started, and he urged people to participate in it in large numbers.

Rahul also shared a mobile number and a website link for detailed information related to the movement. The five main principles of this campaign are stated on the website: compassion, unity, non-violence, equality and progress for all.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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