This time, during the nomination process for Delhi Assembly elections which continued till January 17, a total of 981 candidates had filed 1522 nomination papers. During the scrutiny of all nomination papers on January 18, the Election Commission has rejected a total of 477 nominations due to lack of documents. Now only 1040 nomination papers have been accepted. Voting will be held in Delhi in a single phase on February 5.
According to election officials, the final list of candidates will be released on January 20. However, candidates still have two days to withdraw from the election. After scrutiny on January 18, there will be a chance to withdraw names on January 19 and 20. If a candidate does not want to participate in the election, he can withdraw his name from the election. The process of withdrawing names will end by 3 pm on January 20. Election symbols will also be issued to independent candidates along with the final list.
Maximum 29 candidates have filed nominations from New Delhi Assembly seat, which is considered to be the hottest seat of Delhi Assembly elections. Arvind Kejriwal from Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), Pravesh Sahib Singh Verma from BJP and Sandeep Dixit from Congress are contesting from this seat. However, these numbers are based on nominations filed till January 17. After scrutiny, the final list of candidates will be released on January 20. At the same time, least 7 candidates have filed nomination from Patel Nagar Assembly.
Rebels also face trouble in assembly elections
After nomination in Delhi Assembly elections, now names of rebels are also coming out. Two sitting MLAs of Aam Aadmi Party have filed their nominations as independent candidates after the ticket selection. Prakash Jarwal from Deoli has entered the electoral fray by filing independent nomination, even though the party had canceled his ticket. Similarly, Rajkumari Dhillon has also filed nomination as an independent candidate from Hari Nagar. According to party sources, efforts are being made to persuade both of them.