Railway employees exposed few passengers trying to steal away blanket provided by IRCTC during their trip to Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh by stuffing it into their luggage. When these staffers conducted a check on the bags of passengers at the Prayagraj railway station, they came across people carrying bed sheets and towels given to them onboard. A video from the inspection exposed passengers stealing government-owned clothing. The footage caught them red-handed.
A Reddit post shared this incident online and slammed the passengers for their shameful act of stealing away bed sheets and towels provided to them to ensure a comfortable travel.
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While these clothing products are supplied to people only during their duration of the train travel, some passengers were caught on camera packing them into their luggage and stealing them to their homes.
“Why are people like this?”, the Reddit user wrote while sharing the video of the railway inspection on the social media platform.
The video was captioned to read, “People caught stealing railway blanket”. It informed how passengers loaded blankets into their bags and were exposed by railway employees during an inspection at the Prayagraj station.
The blankets which were uncovered from the luggage of travellers carried IRCTC stamp and logos, making it very clear that they were being stolen.
As the video went viral online, netizens slammed the incident and called it “Shameful”. They were shocked by how passengers looted blankets provided to comfort their travel and termed them “Shi##y people”.
Thousands of bedsheets stolen every year
In 2017, 1.95 lakh towels and 81,736 bedsheets were stolen from long distance trains. However, a year later, the numbers reported from Central Railway alone mentioned 79,350 towels, 27,545 bedsheets, over 21, 000 pillow covers being stolen.