Mumbai Police on Sunday arrested an accused who entered the house of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan and attacked him. Police suspect that the accused is a Bangladeshi national, who was using different names in Mumbai. The police have expressed this suspicion on the basis of the material and documents found with the accused during the investigation.

The accused had entered Saif Ali Khan’s house with the intention of looting.

DCP Zone 9, Dixit Zendam, while talking to the media, said that the incident took place on January 16 at around 2 am, when a person was trying to enter Saif Ali Khan’s house and attack him. The accused has been identified as Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad, aged 30.

He said, “The accused had entered the actor’s house with the intention of robbing. An FIR has been registered against him and he has been arrested. He will be produced in the court and a demand for custody will be made.”

The accused is suspected to be a Bangladeshi.

Police say that the accused does not have valid Indian documents. “Preliminary evidence suggests that he may be a Bangladeshi national,” Gendam said. The recovered items are being examined to identify him.”

was using different names

During the investigation, it was revealed that the accused had used different names to hide his identity. He used names like Vijay Das and Bijoy Das. DCP Zendam said, “The accused came to Mumbai 5-6 months ago and started working in a housekeeping agency here. He lived in Mumbai and its surrounding areas for some time.”

The police is deeply investigating the reasons and how the accused committed this crime. Investigation into the previous activities and contacts of the accused is also ongoing.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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