In a heartbreaking incident, a young man from Delhi, originally hailing from Nawada in Greater Noida, lost his life when his car caught fire in Ghazipur on Saturday night. The victim, Anil, was on his way to distribute wedding invitation cards near Baba Banquet Hall when the tragedy occurred.
Anil, who was set to marry on February 14, was burned to death inside the car, a Wagon R, according to the police. Videos of the incident have surfaced online, showing the vehicle engulfed in flames. The exact cause of the fire is still under investigation.
Anil’s elder brother, Sumit, shared that he had gone out in the afternoon to distribute wedding cards but did not return by evening. “We tried calling him, but his phone was switched off. Around 11–11:30 pm, the police informed us about the accident and said Anil was in the hospital,” he said.
Yogesh, the victim’s brother-in-law, added, “Anil and I worked together. He was supposed to marry my sister on February 14. We received the tragic news last night. We still don’t know what caused the fire.”
The victim’s body has been sent for post-mortem, and further investigations are underway.
In a separate incident last month, a man allegedly set his neighbor’s car ablaze in Delhi’s Lajpat Nagar area over a parking dispute. The accused, Rahul Bhasin, reportedly had frequent arguments with his neighbor, Ranjeet Chauhan. Following one such altercation, Bhasin, along with friends, set the car on fire. The incident was caught on CCTV, as reported by PTI.