High Cholesterol Risk: Cholesterol is essential for our body, but increasing it excessively is dangerous, let us know how to estimate this risk.

cholesterol As soon as we hear its name, we think that it is a bad thing, but let us tell you that it is both good and bad. Good cholesterol is needed in the blood to create healthy cells in the body, but when the amount of bad cholesterol i.e. LDL increases, fat starts accumulating in the veins, which obstructs the blood flow. Sometimes due to high cholesterol the blood goes to the level of clotting. To avoid these dangers, you will have to adopt healthy eating habits and lifestyle. If you see some special signs in the body, then understand that there is a need to be alert now.

Warning Signs for High Cholesterol

1. High blood pressure

Increase in bad cholesterol in the body is directly related to high blood pressure. The more fat increases in the blood, the more blood pressure will also increase. Because of this, when the blood supply is obstructed due to cholesterol, the arteries have to work harder to deliver blood to the heart.

2. Numbness of feet

When your feet start becoming numb, do not take it lightly, it can be a sign of high cholesterol. This means that blood flow and oxygen supply through the arteries is being disrupted. Due to this, pain and numbness in the feet is inevitable.

3. Changing nail color

When the amount of bad cholesterol in the body increases, fat starts accumulating in your arteries, which prevents blood flow in the veins. Due to lack of proper blood supply in the fingers and toes, the color of the nails starts changing from light pink to yellow. Do not ignore this sign of increasing cholesterol at all.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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