New dates for practical examinations have been announced for Uttar Pradesh Board Intermediate students. Now these examinations will be held from 1 to 16 February. In the first two phases, the practical examinations were to be held from January 23 to 31 and then from February 1 to 8, but as per the revised timetable, now the first phase examinations will be held from February 1 to 8 and the second phase examinations will be held from February 9 to 16.

From February 9 to 16, practical examinations will be conducted in Agra, Saharanpur, Bareilly, Lucknow, Jhansi, Chitrakoot, Ayodhya, Azamgarh, Devipatan and Basti divisions. Whereas, from February 1 to 8, practical exams will be held in Prayagraj, Aligarh, Meerut, Moradabad, Kanpur, Mirzapur, Varanasi and Gorakhpur divisions. UP Board Secretary Bhagwati Singh said that after receiving information from the students, it was decided that the JEE Mains exam is to be held from January 22 to 31, due to which the dates of the practical exam were changed keeping in mind the interest of the students. In the Inter Science category, 16,50,937 students will appear in Chemistry and 16,50,482 in Physics, while 12,49,485 students will appear in Biology.

Three-member squad will investigate at the gate

During the high school and intermediate examinations of UP Board, candidates will be searched before entering the examination centres. For this, an internal inspection squad has been formed. Director of Secondary Education Dr. Mahendra Dev has instructed all the district school inspectors that three-member squads will be formed at the examination centers to prevent the use of unfair means (copying), maintain cleanliness and law and order.

This internal inspection squad will have three members including a female teacher. The center administrator will ensure that teachers of the subjects whose examinations are being conducted at the center are not appointed in the internal inspection squad. Internal inspection squad members with the help of the district administration will search the candidates, and male members at the centers will not search the girl students.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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