Today, 19 January 2025, is the fifth day of Krishna Paksha of Magh month. This Tithi will last till 07:31 am, after which Shashthi Tithi will begin. Due to it being Sunday, the religious and astrological importance of this date increases even more. Today the Moon will be situated in Virgo and there will be a conjunction of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Along with this there will also be Atiganda Yoga.

Almanac: Hindu religion’s time determination tool

Hindu calendar is also called Vedic calendar. It helps in calculating time and period accurately. Panchang mainly consists of five parts:

  1. Tithi: Calculation of days based on the moon.
  2. Nakshatra: Group of stars in the sky.
  3. Var: Seven days a week.
  4. Yoga: Combination formed by the position of planets.
  5. Karan: Half of the date.

Apart from these, information about auspicious time, Rahukaal, time of sunrise and sunset, position of Moon and Sun planets, and month and paksha is also given in Panchang.

19 January 2025: Auspicious time and special time

Auspicious date and constellation

  • Panchami Tithi: Till 07:31 am.
  • Shashthi Tithi: After 07:31 am.
  • Uttar Phalguni Nakshatra: Till 05:30 pm.
  • Sarvarthasiddha Yoga: All day and night.

auspicious time

  1. Amrit Kaal: 06:06 am to 07:42 am.
  2. Twilight Muhurta: 06:23 PM to 07:25 PM.
  3. Vijay Muhurta: 02:23 pm to 03:25 pm.
  4. Nishith Muhurta: 11:41 pm to 12:20 am.
  5. Brahma Muhurta: 04:03 AM to 05:08 AM.
  6. Abhijeet Muhurta: 12:10 pm to 12:52 pm.

Rahukaal (forbidden time for auspicious works)

  • Delhi: 04:29 pm to 05:49 pm.
  • Mumbai: 05:00 PM to 06:23 PM.
  • Chandigarh: 04:28 pm to 05:46 pm.
  • Lucknow: 04:17 pm to 05:37 pm.
  • Bhopal: 04:36 pm to 05:58 pm.
  • Kolkata: 03:53 pm to 05:15 pm.
  • Ahmedabad: 04:55 pm to 06:17 pm.
  • Chennai: 04:37 pm to 06:03 pm.

sunrise and sunset time

  • Sunrise: 07:13 am.
  • Sunset: 05:49 pm.

Why is today special?

Today there is a combination of Sarvarthasiddha Yoga and Uttar Phalguni Nakshatra, which is considered highly favorable for auspicious works. However, one should avoid doing any auspicious work during Rahukaal.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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