Blockage in the veins of the legs can affect many organs of the body, especially the heart. If it is not treated on time, it can also cause heart attack. It is not right to accept pain and swelling in the legs as normal in winter, because these can be signs of blockage in the nerves of the legs. Let us know why blockage occurs in the veins of the legs, what are its symptoms and what measures can be taken to avoid it.

Due to blockage in the veins of the legs

There can be many reasons for blockage in the veins of the legs, the major ones being:

  • blockage in arteries: When there is blockage in the veins, blood flow is affected, due to which there is difficulty in blood reaching the legs.
  • blood clots: Blood clotting causes problems in blood flow, which can cause swelling in the legs.
  • old injuries: Previous injuries can also cause blockage of nerves.
  • heart related diseases: People who have heart related problems may also have to face this problem.

Symptoms of blockage in the veins of the legs

Some common symptoms of blockage in the veins of the legs are:

  • Cold feet or extreme cold.
  • Sudden pain and swelling below the knees.
  • Appearance of dark blue color of veins.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • Experience of itching in the veins of the legs.

Ways to prevent blockage

Some important measures should be adopted to avoid blockage in the veins of the legs:

  1. regular exercise:Exercising improves blood flow.
  2. proper eating habits: Eat a balanced diet and stay away from fried foods.
  3. enough water: It is important to drink adequate amount of water, so that the toxins can be flushed out from the body.
  4. foot massage: Regularly massaging the soles of the feet improves circulation.

home remedies

You can get relief by adopting these home remedies:

  • soaking feet in lukewarm water: Soaking feet in lukewarm water can reduce swelling and improve blood circulation.
  • reducing salt intake:Eat seasonal fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • consumption of ginger:Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation.

contact doctor

If you notice symptoms of blockage in the veins of your legs, consult a doctor immediately. This could be a sign of some other serious disease. Ignoring these symptoms can be fatal, so it is necessary to seek timely treatment.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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