Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Amid the growing excitement among the residents of the city for the Mahakumbh, the world’s largest spiritual gathering, which is taking place in Prayagraj, experts have advised the pilgrims, especially those with health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, to take precautions due to the physical demands and limited healthcare facilities at the event.

The Mahakumbh in Prayagraj is attracting crores of devotees from India and abroad and people of Indore are no less enthusiastic. Many of them are going to Prayagraj by trains, flights, buses and private vehicles.

With extensive walking required and cold weather in Uttar Pradesh, proper preparation is essential to ensure a safe and pleasant experience, as per doctors.

“Senior citizens and patients with chronic illnesses should consult their doctors before the trip, carry essential medicines and follow their prescribed schedules. A first aid kit is highly recommended,” said physician Dr Mahendra Jha. He added that warm clothing was essential to counter the cold temperature and it was important to maintain body warmth after bathing. Diabetic patients should carry a sugar-testing machine and insulin with ice packs and should focus on consuming meals on time to keep blood sugar levels stable.

Dr Anil Dongre said since pilgrims may need to walk six to 10 kilometres daily, starting light exercise or yoga beforehand could help the body adapt. “Crowded spaces increase the risk of respiratory infections. Wearing a mask is crucial, especially for children and the elderly. Frequent hand washing is also essential to minimize the chances of falling ill”, he added.

“Senior citizens and heart patients should ensure proper health check-up and carry necessary medicines. They should wear warm clothes and stay hydrated”.

Dr Sanjay Dubey, MD Medicine (MY Hospital)

“Diabetic patients should carry insulin with ice packs and sugar-testing machines. They should and focus on protein-rich meals while avoiding carbs”.

Dr Rajesh Verma, diabetes and hormonal diseases specialist (MY Hospital)

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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