If dry fruits are consumed along with proper diet, they are very beneficial for health. This is the reason why since childhood our elders have been advising us to eat a handful of dry fruits daily. One of the main dry fruits is date, which is rich in many nutrients like calcium, fiber, zinc, magnesium and iron. Consuming milk and dates daily is no less than nectar. Date milk is very beneficial especially for men. Let us know its health benefits:

  1. helpful in weight gain

    If your weight is not increasing despite your diet, then you must include milk and dates in your diet. Date milk contains high amount of protein and calories, which helps in rapid weight gain. It also makes the body strong and energetic.

  2. beneficial for heart health

    Regular consumption of dates and milk keeps heart health healthy. It is helpful in controlling bad cholesterol and making the heart healthy. Eating four to five dates boiled in milk at night reduces the risk of heart diseases.

  3. sexual health care

    Drinking date milk provides relief from physical weakness and sexual health related problems of men. It also helps in increasing the sex hormone testosterone. Eating four to five dates boiled in one pound of milk every day increases male strength.

  4. strengthen bones

    Consuming milk and dates keeps bones strong. Date milk is rich in calcium, protein and fiber, which is extremely beneficial for bone health. It also helps in reducing bone pain, which helps in keeping bones healthy in old age.

With all these benefits, consuming dates and milk is an easy and tasty way to improve your health.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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