A 25-year-old accused who was brought to the Ulhasnagar court for a scheduled hearing on Saturday managed to escape from a moving police van. Despite searching for him for around three hours, the escort team has been unable to locate him.

The accused, identified as Sanju Kisan Waghari, alias Janjwadia, was charged with theft at the Vithalwadi police station.

The escort team, comprising four police personnel, brought Sanju from Adharwadi jail to be presented in court in Ulhasnagar at 3 PM on Saturday. After the hearing, the escort team took him back into custody and seated him in the police van.

The police stated that as the van left the court and reached Nikki Nagar Road, Sanju managed to unlock the door of the moving van, jump out, and flee the scene.

The escort team immediately stopped the van and attempted to chase him, but he pushed them away and escaped. They searched the area but were unable to find him. They then alerted the local police about the situation.

Following this, the Khadakpada police arrived and searched for the accused for approximately three hours.

Rukmagand Vengurlekar, Assistant Police Inspector from Khadakpada police station, said, “We received information about the incident and immediately rushed to the location. Along with other police personnel, we searched for him in the Vayale Nagar area, Vertex Building area, and KB Chowk. However, we have not been able to trace him yet. We are in the process of registering a case against him.”

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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