Railway Protection Force (RPF) has detained a suspect from Durg, Chhattisgarh in the case of attack on actor Saif Ali Khan. The suspect has been identified as Akash Kanojia. The Mumbai Police team will reach Raipur today to further the investigation in this case. However, preliminary investigation has revealed that the identity of the suspect does not match the description of the accused.

RPF gave information

news agency ANI According to, Bilaspur RPF IG Munawwar Khurshid gave a statement in this matter. He said:

“The ASI of Juhu police station of Mumbai Police had informed that a suspicious person was traveling by Dnyaneshwari Express train. The police had shared the picture of the suspect. On this basis, Akash Kanojia has been detained from Durg.”

The suspect was brought to Durg RPF post, where Mumbai Police officials were contacted through video call. Mumbai Police team will be present in Raipur to take the suspect into custody.

Incident of attack on Saif Ali Khan

The attack took place during an intrusion into Saif Ali Khan’s apartment. The intruder attacked the actor at least six times with a knife. Saif did his Protecting family and employees For bravely faced the attacker.

Saif suffered serious injuries during the attack, including a deep wound near his spine. Saif immediately Lilavati Hospital, Mumbai Have been taken. Doctors said that his surgery was successful and he would make a full recovery. However, doctors also said that if the knife had gone 2 mm deeper into his back, he could have suffered serious damage to his spinal cord.

Attacker’s intentions and police investigation

Police believe that the motive behind the attack was theft. Saif’s son Jeh’s nanny told the police that the attacker had demanded ₹1 crore.
The attacker is said to be around 40 years old. She was seen climbing the stairs of Saif’s 12th floor apartment.

Important clue found from CCTV footage

Crime Branch has seized CCTV footage from a mobile shop in Dadar. In this footage, the alleged suspect was seen buying earphones after the attack. This footage may prove important in the police investigation.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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